Many years ago, I met a Jewish woman who with her family had escaped Nazi Germany during World War 2. Her name was Jen Egan. Her personal story involved having spent time in prison where she became a Christian.
I was doing Strongman presentations in schools and youth groups at the time. Jen Egan had started a Prison Ministry by then and asked me to go into a Youth Detention Center & speak to the boys.
It was an amazing few years trying to connect with the kids since Ā½ way through my time with them the guards would come though with the ā€˜evening medsā€™. Rather quickly eyes would start to glaze over & attention was a supreme struggle for them.
Thanks to my musician friends Mike Deasy & Roger Bryson for providing Spirit- filled music.
This is part of what I would share. Hope it blesses you as well.Ā 

the Harp & the Horn
a Meditation of Light- Mike Deasy & Roger Bryson

Hear God 1

It took me 19 years to figure this out! I know, I knowā€¦ ā€˜Better late than neverā€™ but it worried me. Could I really be that slow? The answer is yes. The good news is that you donā€™t have to wait 19 years like I didā€¦ if youā€™ll listen now.

For you to hear from God, itā€™s necessary to know Him. To get to know Him, you need to hear what Heā€™s already said. My big mistake was to quietly read what He had said. Check the following Scripture verses to more fully understand what Iā€™m talking about: Psalms 44:1, 49:1, 78:1, Proverbs 15:31, 23:12, Matthew 11:15, 13:9, 13:16-17, 13:43, and Luke 9:44.

You need to read the Bible out loud. Quiet reading is okay but reading out loud took my spiritual life to a very high level. Make it a dramatic reading and pause to think about things that apply to your life as well as to the new wisdom youā€™ve gained. Many of your prayers will be answered through what you hear as you read.

Music adds an incredible dimension to your reading and hearing. It also blocks out distractions and brings you to a special place to be with God. The Lord has esteemed and gifted musicians since the beginning. No lyricsā€¦ just anointed music. My favorite tracks are called ā€˜a Meditation of Lightā€™ by Mike Deasy and Roger Bryson.

The prescription is 1 chapter from the Old and 1 from the New every day. 1st thing in the morning seems to be best but Iā€™m sure God is available whenever you are. Iā€™ll post combinations that you can follow.

Okay, hereā€™s the short version.
1-Get up & find a quiet place
2-play music
3-Thank God the Father, Jesus Christ the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit for everything
3-confess your sins and ask for forgiveness
4-ask God to show you what you need to see and hear what you need to hear
5-read out loud 1 chapter from the Old and 1 from the New pausing when you need to
7-bring your prayer requests to God.

31 day challenge- start in Proverbs 1 and Matthew 1, one of each everyday for 31 days in a rowā€¦ guaranteed to change your lifeā€¦ when I see you the next time, weā€™ll plot your next moveā€¦

You were born for greatness-
Russell- 201.572.3887